While looking for a summer job for an international company dealing with online educational projects, I couldn't help noticing how difficult it was to make my resume stand out in the wide variety of CVs and highly professional educators like me also looking for work. Then I discovered this great tool which can empower your creativity and imagination while convincing your future employers that you are the best they can hire: video resumes!
These are several samples of the video resumes my students created as their final project for our summer intensive Business English course. Enjoy the videos and get inspired!
Sanda C. Video Resume - Looking for a job in the Marketing Sector
The Resume of the Modest yet Awsome David Merhe
A very professional resume for a marketing expert
Some Moldovan companies require the Euro Pass format which you can find here: EuroPass
If you heve never seen a cover letter, then you should check the following website: Free Professional Cover-Letters for Job Seeking Professionals
There are two easy tools you can use to create your Video Resume:
1. Photo Story for Windows
(go to the official website and watch the tutorial on how to make a movie using this tool here)
2. Windows Movie Maker (how to use the tool YouTube tutorial).
Good luck with your video resumes and see you in class!