Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Apply for Business for Youth

Dear FB students,
I am strongly encouraging you to apply to Business for Youth this year
Read more about the project, download the application and see what the participants from previous years had to say about their experience on their blog: http://bfy2010.wordpress.com/ or on the ACCELS Moldova official webpagehttp://www.americancouncils.md/
Let me know in class if you need help or more info. I wish you ALL the best of luck!

Monday, March 15, 2010

Social Corprate Responsibility

o1) Vicabulary work

b) What is the difference between social and corporate responsibility?
c) What is the history of the "Corporate social responsibility" term?
d) What is the significance of this term?
e) What are the positive benefits of SCR?
f) What are the negative aspects?

2) Whatch the Video and Explain the concept of Corporate Responsibility

Read the "Corporate Social Responsibility"article by Mallen Baker and answer the following questions:

a) How does the author of the article define CSR?
b) How does The World Business Council for Sustainable Development in its publication "Making Good Business Sense" by Lord Holme and Richard Watts define CSR?
c) How is the concept traditionally understood in United States?
d) What are the two aspects of their operations companies need to answer?
e) What is the “outer circle” stakeholders are taking an increasing interest in?
f) What is the European model more focused on?
g) Why does the author of the article believe this model is more sustainable?

3) Now read the CR facts published by BNET and answer the following questions:

a) What do 94% of company executives believe regarding Corporate Responsibility strategy?
b) How are companies in Europe and Japan different from those in Australia, New Zealand/Aotearoa and Asia?
c) Arrange the following companies according to the rate of corporate Responsibility reports they publish: US, Australian, British, Japanese,South African companies.
d) How does the author of the article prove that the financial contribution to society in the form of taxes has plummeted?
e) What is being reported about corporate profits in 2006 and 2007?
f) What about pay for top executives?
g) What do the following refer to: a day / in a year, 37% / 3.3%. ?

4) Study Cases:

1. IBM
2. Nokia
3. Vodaphone (Video Report)
4. McDonald's
5. Western Union
6. Orange

Friday, March 12, 2010

Moldovan Business Project - a SWOT analysis

Steve Jobs has just launched the new iPod, while the Moldovans invest in the following project "Tarancuta":
Whatch the video and answer the following questions:
a) What is your overall opinion of the invention and its effectiveness? Why was it invented?
b) How many samples has the inventor sold so far? Who are his customers?
c) Would you invest in such a project? Why? Why not?
Now, you are going to work on a SWOT analysis of this project. Please analyze it according to the following system:
1) SWOT analysis template 
2) Free SWOT Examples 
Based on your own SWOT, please answer: IS THIS PROJECT WORTH INVESTING MONEY IN? Why? Why not? Good luck!