Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Pepsi - Cola Wars

One of the most interesting battle between a market leader and a market challenger is represented by the Pepsi - Cola wars. The Cola Wars are a campaign of mutually-targeted television advertisements and marketing campaigns since the 1980s between soft drink manufacturers Coca-Cola Company and PepsiCo Incorporated.

First, let's watch the following ads. Please rank them from the most to the least convincing one:

Second, read the article Cola Wars and answer the following questions:

  • What did Coca-Cola and Pepsi particularly focused on? Give examples.
  • What was Pepsi's positioning motto?
  • How did the Pepsi Challenge blind taste tests work?
  • What was Pepsi Stuff all about?
  • Who won in the Atlanta Olympics Pepsi – Cola war? How?
  • What did Pepsi Stuff in 2005 & Coca-Cola retaliated with Coke Rewards have in common?

Now, let's watch the Cold War Pepsi - Cola. Watch each part twice and create a short summary whichy would include its main points. Get ready to talk about each section for over 3-4 minutes.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Best Moldovan Brands in the "Trademark of the Year" Competition

One of the most essential parts of the "Made in Moldova" project is a yearly competition which aims to promote and recognize the best brands in Moldova called "Trademark of the Year".

1. What is a trademark? Also check the Business Dictionary for the same term.

2. Read the first page of the "Best Trademark" project and explain what the following information refers to:

- Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Republic of Moldova
- annually
- role of corporative image of companies,
- 700 /14 regions
- 150
- vital part
- many attendees at the event
- yearly edition
- 2 talented students

3. Which, in your opinion, are the 3 most important objectives of the competition?
4. Name three winners of the following categories:

- "Patrimony of the Republic"
- Professionalism Criteria TRADE MARK "EXPORT"
- Professionalism Criteria TRADE MARK "PROFI"
- Professionalism Criteria"REBRANDING"

Read the following news and answer the questions below:http://totul.md/en/newsitem/22190.html

1. How many Moldovan companies have won the grand prize – the Golden Mercuryhigh professional award – within the Trademark-2010 competition?
2. How many projects participated in the competition in 2010?
3. What was the competition novelty?
4. Which joint companies were marked for their trademarks?
5. Which state official congratulated the competition laureates andwished them keeping the goods and service quality at the same levelin the future?
6. Which exclusive right does the participation in the competitionprovide its winners with?
7. Which organisation organised the competition?
8. How old is the The Trademark of the Year competition?