Friday, December 9, 2011

BBC World Challenge Competition

1) Read about BBCWorld Down to Business Competition and answer the questions below:
- What kind of businesses does World Challenge competition target?
- What is a sustainable business?
- What is the mission of the competition?
2) Read about the competition rules - what are the 4 criteria used by Judges to select the Shortlist, based on the information provided in the nomination?
3) Read and watch about three winning projects. Which one do you like best? Write a short 200 word summary about the project and explain why you chose it. 
The Only Way is Up
- Tech Crunch
Mongolia's Snow Leopard Enterprise

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Identifying important features of a BAR graph

Watch the video and answer the questions below:

1. What does the tutorial focus on? What will it show you?
2. What does the graph look at?
3. How long should be the essay describing the graph?
4. There are too many graphs in this chart. What could be done to solve this problem?
5. How many courses had the highest percentage?
6. What information in the graph is significant?
7. What can you say about the % of students who were dissatisfied with the course?

Thursday, November 24, 2011

How to write an executive summary

Watch the video and answer the questions below:

1. Where is the executive summary placed?
2. Finish the sentence: "The executive summary is the highly condensed ..."
3. When should it be written - first, while drafting the business plan or last?
4. What should you include in the brief if the business is new?
5. What should be the length of the summary?
6. Finish the sentence: "The brief should compel the reader to ..."
7. Now watch the "How to write an Executive Summary in 5 steps".
8. What are the 5 questions a summary has to answer?

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Why is selling hard work?

Watch the video and answer the questions below:

1. Frank works in sales. What exactly does his organisation help companies and public authorities solve?
2. Why is selling hard work?
3. What do their customers want?
4. What do they expect?
5. Finish the sentence: The bigger the deal, ...
6. What is like a movie preview? Why?
7. Finish the sentence: Even the best solution ...
8. Why do you sometimes need to say no?
9. "My boss doesn't like dead horses". What does it mean? Check the online dictionary.
10. What does his insist on?
11. Finish the expression: "He says it's the extra mile that ....". What does it mean?
12. What does Frank hate the most?
13. Why is Frank in sales even if it hard work?
14. We work together through thick and thin, said Frank about his team. What does it mean?

Monday, April 4, 2011

Business Collocations

Let's see how good you are with Business Idioms and collocations: take the following Online Business Idioms Quiz and check your score. Then, write down all the new idioms you found in the quiz and discuss them in class. Good luck! 1) Collocations with the word "Money" 2) Dictionary of collocations: Search the words: "earn", "profit" and "target" 3) Business English collocations 4) Useful Business Vocabulary 5) Business Idioms 6) American English Business Idioms 7) Fun Business Idioms Hometask: take the following Idiom QUIZ: Business and post on the blog the new idioms you lerned - no less than 8. Enjoy!

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Banking in the Future

1) Watch the 3 commercials and find out what they have in common.
Which one did you find the most comprehensive / convincing? Why?

2) Team work: make summary for one of the videos below. Which banking related problem is being dealt with in the video? What are the solutions offered?

3) Answer the following questions:
What is virtual banking?
What are brick to click banks?
What are the advantages of online banking?

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Did you know? Shift Happens ...

1) An official update to the original "Shift Happens" video from Karl Fisch and Scott McLeod, this June 2007 update includes new and updated statistics, thought-provoking questions and a fresh design ( Read about Karl Fisher and visit his blog The Fisch Bowl Have a look at the statistics used in the video "Did you Know?" Write down the most interesting ones)

2) Independent work: Watch a relevant video Did you know? Human Capital edition 2009. Answer the following questions:
- How many emails are being sent every day? What does this tell you?
- How much time would an average worker spend on checking emails? What does this tell employers?
- Why do organizations spend $130 billion a year on spam?
- How many social networks users are employed?
- Why is Social Networking called a "productivity killer"?
- What is India's major export now?
- Finish the sentence: If every Indian sent home $100 ...
- How many employees prefer to work by email rather than face to face?
- In 2020 that figure would be ...?
- What is being checked: daily / monthly / half yearly / once a year?
- How much does the human capital represent of total expenses of a company?
- How is China going to influence the English speaking candidate market? What does it mean for potential employees?
- How many jobs will today's learners have by the age of 38?
- Finish the statement: Half of what a student learns in his/her 1st year ...
- What kind of organizations are, in this context, limited in their potential? Why?
- If Facebook was a country, it ...
- What is the conclusion of the video?
3) Independent Research: Read about The Drivers of Employee Engagement at the workplace and find out how employers can use this concept to motivate their employees work better. Answer the following questions:
a) How does IES (Institute for Employment Studies) define engagement?
b) Give 5 more elements that define engagement at the workplace.
c) How was engagement measured in the 2003 IES survey?
d) Name the most important engagement challenges.
e) Give a short description of the IES Engagement Model. Draw the necessary conclusions.
f) Which 3 questions in the list 12 Questions to Measure Employee Engagement are the easiest and whoch 3 are the most difficult to answer? Explain why.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Millenium Challenges in Moldova

The Government of Moldova signed a five-year economic development Compact Agreement granting $262 million with the U.S. Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC) to Moldova on January 22, 2010 .Read the article about The Millennium Project in Moldova and answer the following questions:

1) What will The Compact assistance be used for?

2) What is the main objective of the Compact Program?

3) What does The Program consist of?

4) How much was allocated for The Transition to High Value Agriculture and the Road Rehabilitation Projects?

5) What do the program management and oversight costs include?

6) What is the purpose of The Transition to High Value Agriculture Project?

7) What plans does the project include?

8) What will improving access to credit for agricultural projects and a technical assistance package co-financed by the United States Agency for International Development support?

9) What does The Road Rehabilitation Project include?

10) Which benefits will the repairs have?

How many households will benefit from the project?
Team Work:
Team 1 Create a short summary of The High Agriculture Project
Team 2 Create a short summary of The Road Rehabilitation Project

Thursday, March 10, 2011

E-Business in Moldova

More and more Moldovan customers prefer to buy and sell things online rather than going to markets and outdoor fairs. Today we are going to visit three of the most popular websites and rank them in the criteria below. At the end of the lesson you will have to decide which website is the best option for e-business in Moldova and explain why. I. Give the sites a score from 1 to 5
( 1 being unsatisfactory, 2 - poor, 3 fair, 4 - acceptable and 5 outstanding. )
1) Which website has the best structure? (How clear is it from the home page what the site offers and where you can find the necessary information?)
2) Which site has the best visuals: icons, pictures, banners, etc
3) Ease of access - which website is the most user-friendly? (how easy is it to find the right product for clients, especially those who are not advanced Internet users)
4) Variety of services (which site offers a wider variety of products and services?)
5) Product information (which site offers a more detailed information about the products or services to be provided?)
Add up your scores and decide which site is the leader on the Moldovan market. Explain why.

II. Now, please write a short list of recommendations for each site - what can be improved / changed / enhanced / adapted / added / removed ?
Contrast and Compare: Check the Best Business Websites in 2010-2011 and compare with the Moldovan ones: 20 Best Business Websites
III. Next, let's read the expert opinion about what makes a good business site. Chose the article you like best and create a short 350 word summary.
Article 1: 35 Deadly Website Sins That will Kill Your Business!
Article 2: What makes a good business?
Article 3: 14 Steps to Good Business Website Design
IV Watch the video "Did you know 5.0" and write down the most interesting statistics.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Pepsi - Cola Wars

One of the most interesting battle between a market leader and a market challenger is represented by the Pepsi - Cola wars. The Cola Wars are a campaign of mutually-targeted television advertisements and marketing campaigns since the 1980s between soft drink manufacturers Coca-Cola Company and PepsiCo Incorporated.

First, let's watch the following ads. Please rank them from the most to the least convincing one:

Second, read the article Cola Wars and answer the following questions:

  • What did Coca-Cola and Pepsi particularly focused on? Give examples.
  • What was Pepsi's positioning motto?
  • How did the Pepsi Challenge blind taste tests work?
  • What was Pepsi Stuff all about?
  • Who won in the Atlanta Olympics Pepsi – Cola war? How?
  • What did Pepsi Stuff in 2005 & Coca-Cola retaliated with Coke Rewards have in common?

Now, let's watch the Cold War Pepsi - Cola. Watch each part twice and create a short summary whichy would include its main points. Get ready to talk about each section for over 3-4 minutes.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Best Moldovan Brands in the "Trademark of the Year" Competition

One of the most essential parts of the "Made in Moldova" project is a yearly competition which aims to promote and recognize the best brands in Moldova called "Trademark of the Year".

1. What is a trademark? Also check the Business Dictionary for the same term.

2. Read the first page of the "Best Trademark" project and explain what the following information refers to:

- Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Republic of Moldova
- annually
- role of corporative image of companies,
- 700 /14 regions
- 150
- vital part
- many attendees at the event
- yearly edition
- 2 talented students

3. Which, in your opinion, are the 3 most important objectives of the competition?
4. Name three winners of the following categories:

- "Patrimony of the Republic"
- Professionalism Criteria TRADE MARK "EXPORT"
- Professionalism Criteria TRADE MARK "PROFI"
- Professionalism Criteria"REBRANDING"

Read the following news and answer the questions below:

1. How many Moldovan companies have won the grand prize – the Golden Mercuryhigh professional award – within the Trademark-2010 competition?
2. How many projects participated in the competition in 2010?
3. What was the competition novelty?
4. Which joint companies were marked for their trademarks?
5. Which state official congratulated the competition laureates andwished them keeping the goods and service quality at the same levelin the future?
6. Which exclusive right does the participation in the competitionprovide its winners with?
7. Which organisation organised the competition?
8. How old is the The Trademark of the Year competition?